6 Symptoms Of Skin Cancer

Early detection is essential to treat and defeat skin cancer. Read on to find out the top 6 symptoms that this disease causes.
6 symptoms of skin cancer

The number of people suffering from this disease has grown at an alarming rate in recent years. Most patients are over 50 years old, but younger people can also be affected. Let’s find out together what are the most common symptoms of skin cancer!

Skin cancer has been associated with continued exposure to sunlight, but can also be caused by DNA mutations in epithelial cells.

The mortality rate among patients with skin cancer has dropped considerably. This is due to the evolution of available treatments as well as innovative diagnostic methods.

Most cases of skin cancer are of the non-melanoma type. Non-melanoma skin cancer can be more easily controlled because the disease does not cause changes at the cellular level.

But it is essential to be able to recognize the symptoms of skin cancer in time. Early detection will help us avoid the more aggressive forms of this disease.

To give you a helping hand, in today’s article we present you 6 symptoms of skin cancer that you should not overlook in any way.

1. The appearance of moles

Symptoms of skin cancer like irregular moles

The appearance of new moles, especially those with an irregular shape, is one of the main symptoms of skin cancer. These signs attract attention immediately because they appear suddenly, and their size, color and texture are unusual.

Some moles caused by skin cancer will look like reddish spots, while others will have a voluminous texture and a dark color.

2. Modifications to existing moles

Changes in moles already present should never be ignored. As I mentioned before, any changes that occur over time deserve all the attention.

Specialists have invented the “alphabet rule” or ABCDE, which aims at some important features that we must take into account.

  • A for asymmetry: This subheading refers to those moles with asymmetrical halves.
  • B for borders: The edges of moles that signal skin cancer are irregular, deformed or poorly defined.
  • C for color: Skin cancer may cause discoloration of moles already present. They may darken in color, may take on more shades (blue, red, pink or gray) or may discolor.
  • D for diameter: Melanoma can be up to 6 mm in diameter.
  • It’s for elevation: The surface of the mole is bulging or irregular.

3. Wounds that do not heal

Very visible skin cancer symptoms

If the skin cells are healthy, the dermis has the ability to regenerate and heal lesions and wounds in a short time.

But the exact opposite happens if these cells become malignant. Their ability to heal themselves is reduced. Basically, even the smallest wounds start to heal very hard.

If you notice that you have open wounds or cuts that heal excessively slowly, you may suffer from skin cancer.

4. Stretching spots

The appearance of spots on the skin can be based on several external and internal factors. But the way they develop can help us figure out if it’s skin cancer or not.

For example, if the spots begin to stretch from the mole to the surrounding skin, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor. The cause could be cell disease.

5. Redness and inflammation, among the possible symptoms of skin cancer

Redness among the symptoms of skin cancer

Malignant cells trigger an inflammatory reaction that becomes visible both in and around the moles.

Generally, this alarm signal affects the skin outside the edges of the mole and is accompanied by redness and other symptoms specific to skin irritations. However, unlike common irritations, redness and inflammation are persistent and tend to worsen overnight.

6. Sensitivity and pain

The skin can become sensitive due to several health problems, including skin cancer. Abnormal cell development accompanied by itching, pain and irritation signals that we must undergo a medical examination.

If you notice any of the 6 symptoms of skin cancer listed above, consult a doctor immediately to find out if you suffer from this disease or not. Remember, early detection will help you get effective treatment before it is too late.

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