6 Habits That Affect The Kidneys

Unhealthy eating, abuse of painkillers, such as painkillers and consuming a small amount of water prevent the kidneys from functioning properly.
6 habits that affect the kidneys

The kidneys are essential organs of our body, they make up a very sophisticated purification mechanism. It is very important to keep them healthy and functional, which is why it is essential to know 6 habits that affect the kidneys. Read on and you will find out what they are!

Habits that affect the kidneys

1. Insufficient hydration

Dehydration on the list of habits that affect the kidneys

Always ask yourself the following question: About how many glasses of water do I drink each day? If you do not hydrate your kidneys properly, you will have long-term problems.

The main role of the kidneys is to remove metabolic waste from the body so that the number of red blood cells is balanced. If you do not drink enough water, your kidneys will not function as well and toxins will accumulate in the body.

To avoid this problem, simply drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day. If you can’t do this, add a little lemon juice to the water before you drink it — it will taste much better!

2. Postponement of urination

Woman who doesn't urinate

We all did this at least once in our lives: we were so busy that we had to postpone the visit to the toilet, although we felt an overwhelming need to urinate. How long can we postpone this perfectly normal function of our body? One hour? Two hours?

If your bladder is full of fluid for a long time, you may develop urinary tract conditions such as hypertrophy, hydronephrosis (increased urine pressure in the kidneys), or other diseases that you could have avoided. easily if you gave up habits that affect the kidneys. Take care of yourself and go to the toilet when you need to!

3. Unbalanced diet

Juices on the list of habits that affect the kidneys

3.1 Excessive sodium intake

The main source of sodium in the diet is salt. But why is sodium so harmful? The reason is simple: it is difficult to remove, and the kidneys have to work much harder to cleanse the body, which can eventually lead to their disease. We advise you to reduce the amount of salt you consume daily or to completely eliminate this ingredient from your diet.

3.2 Excessive consumption of animal proteins

Excessive animal protein intake is also on the list of habits that affect the kidneys. Proteins make it difficult for the kidneys to function properly, making it difficult for them to filter the blood properly. Try to avoid these proteins and eat as many foods rich in vegetable protein as possible.

3.3 Consumption of carbonated beverages

This type of drink is consumed nowadays by many people (especially young people). Carbonated beverages adversely affect kidney health. These lead to the development of chronic kidney failure or kidney stones, which is why we recommend that you avoid them.

3.4 Tobacco and alcohol consumption

Alcohol and tobacco lead to an excess of toxins in your body. These are dangerous substances that can make your kidneys sick, preventing them from performing their functions. Avoid them as much as possible, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes.

3.5 Consumption of genetically modified foods

Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult to find out where the food we eat comes from. Transgenic corn, lab-created fruits or vegetables, spoiled meat from animals that have been fed fast-fat substances — all of which are truths we often don’t know about, but their effects on our kidneys are they will definitely make you feel.

If you want to protect your health, try to buy only organic products, natural and healthy foods whose origin you really know.

4. Hypertension

Optimal blood pressure

The harmful effects of high blood pressure on the kidneys are already known. The blood circulates poorly, the filtration of toxins does not take place optimally and, little by little, your kidneys atrophy. It is not difficult to check your blood pressure from time to time and make sure it is within normal limits. Don’t be afraid to go to the doctor!

5. Excessive drug use

Consumption of drugs on the list of habits that affect the kidneys

You need to be careful what and how many medicines you take because they often contain substances that can affect your kidneys, making it difficult for them to function. Obviously, no one takes pleasure medications, so this topic is a difficult one.

However, there are various alternatives, such as drugs that are less aggressive towards the kidneys, which is why it is good to talk to your doctor about all the options available to you.

6. Sedentary lifestyle

Walking in nature

Here is a question that is always good to ask yourself: How many hours a day do I spend sitting down? A sedentary lifestyle will affect the proper functioning of your kidneys. Lack of physical activity leads to several problems that can be easily avoided if you exercise.

For example, why not try a bike ride? It’s not hard at all! If you play a sport with a friend, it will be much easier for you to make an effort. Your kidneys will be grateful! But don’t forget to always have a bottle of water on hand!

* Try to improve your lifestyle and diet and give up habits that affect the kidneys. Even a seemingly minor change is helpful: drink enough water and avoid salt and foods high in fat and sugar. And, above all, go to a medical check-up regularly!

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