5 Tricks And Exercises To Strengthen The Knees

If you want to have strong knees, it is important to have a healthy weight so as not to overload them and to rest properly. 
5 tricks and exercises to strengthen the knees

It is important for the knees to be strong, as they support a considerable weight. They give you balance and help you move from one place to another. That is why it is important to take the necessary measures to take care of them. Today we present you some tricks and exercises to strengthen your knees.

Strong knees make your life easier

Did you know that the knees are the largest joints in the human body? The knee is made up of the patella, the upper end of the tibia and the lower end of the femur. These bones are connected by cartilage (including the meniscus, which acts as a “lining”) and ligaments.

The knees are very prone to injury. You don’t have to be a professional athlete or do vigorous exercise to injure them. To prevent pain and problems, it is important to strengthen both the wrist itself and the adjacent muscles, such as the tendons and cavdriceps.

Here are some tricks and exercises to strengthen your knees:

1. Monitor your body weight

The need for exercises to strengthen the knees that prevent injuries

Overweight and obesity can be very harmful to the knees.

  • If you are 20% overweight for your height and body composition, you are 10 times more prone to knee arthritis.
  • When you jump or go down the stairs, your body weight becomes four times higher, and your knees absorb this impact.

2. Go to the doctor

If your knees hurt for a few days, even if you have taken over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, it is advisable to go to the doctor.

  • The specialist will analyze the situation, will do all the necessary tests and will recommend the best treatment. 
  • Treatment may include medication and physiotherapy, arthroscopy or other surgery.

3. Be careful when jumping rope

Jumping rope on the list of exercises to strengthen the knees

Although jumping rope and other exercises that include jumping are very beneficial, it is essential that you perform them correctly.

  • Failure to land can cause injury to the foot or knee.
  • It is good to land with your knees slightly bent, so that they absorb body weight more easily.

4. Change your diet

Nutrition is very important if you want to have strong and healthy knees.

  • Add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet, such as avocado, fish (especially salmon or mackerel), olive oil and oilseeds.
  • Consume enough vitamin E to help strengthen the joints. To get this nutrient, eat foods such as kiwi, mango, peanuts, broccoli and spinach daily.
  • Don’t forget calcium! It prevents osteoporosis and bone damage. Calcium is found in both dairy products and green leafy vegetables (mangold, for example) and almonds.

5. Rest

Rest before exercises to strengthen the knees

If your knees hurt after an activity, we recommend you take a break. Try to stay home for a few days, walk as little as possible and give up exercise for a week.

Often, the inflammation can become chronic if it is not treated in time and if you do not let it heal completely.

Knee strengthening exercises

Strengthening the lower body is very important for knee care and injury prevention. The quadriceps, for example, are the largest muscles in the body. If they are not strong enough, you will experience joint problems.

Beware of injuries caused by exercise or daily activities, such as climbing stairs, carrying bags or walking your dog.

If you play a sport, take it seriously and don’t forget to warm up your muscles at the beginning and stretch at the end.

Also consider the following recommendations:

  • Wear appropriate footwear.
  • Stop when you feel tired.
  • Choose the right surfaces to perform the exercises.
  • Do not turn your legs suddenly.

Here are some exercises to strengthen your knees:

1. Leg extensions

Extensions on the list of exercises to strengthen the knees
  • Sit in a chair with your back straight.
  • Slip your right foot under the chair as far as you can. The thighs should be tense during this exercise.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds, then return to the original position.
  • Repeat with your left foot.

2. Stretching the lower body

  • Sit face up on the mattress and bring your knees to your chest.
  • Hold your feet with your hands and hold the position for 15 seconds.
  • Another option would be to stretch just one leg, keeping the other straight or bent. Then repeat with the opposite foot.

3. Lying down on a chair

  • Sit on the chair with your back supported by the backrest and your feet on the floor.
  • Raise your right leg and stretch it until it is parallel to the ground. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then slowly lower your leg.
  • Repeat the movement with the left foot.

4. Knee bends

You’ve probably heard of them by now, but you don’t know how beneficial knee bends are for strengthening your knees and toning your buttocks.

  • Stand with your feet apart at shoulder level. Keep your back straight.
  • Bend your knees slightly and lower your torso as far as you can, holding the position for 10 seconds.
  • Perform 10 repetitions.

5. Castings

Crunches cannot be missing from the list of exercises to strengthen the knees.

  • Stand with your feet close together and your arms close to your body.
  • Take a big step forward with your right foot and bend your left knee to lower your torso.
  • After 5 seconds, return to starting position and repeat with the opposite foot.

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