5 Of The Healthiest Fruits

There are many ways to eat fruit and a wide range of foods and drinks to which you can add them. 
5 of the healthiest fruits

In order to have an iron health, we must also have an adequate diet. Obviously, we need fruit. These are among the foods with the most benefits for the body. Therefore, it is recommended to consume them at any time. To learn more about them, here is a list of the healthiest fruits.

It is best to eat fresh fruit. If this is not possible, there are many fruits that retain their properties even if they are dehydrated or frozen.

Also, remember that it is best to eat locally grown or seasonal fruits. You can eat the fruit in different ways and include it in a wide range of dishes.

The healthiest fruits

1. Blueberries

Blueberries grow mainly in areas with cold climates in the northern hemisphere. They have few calories, but multiple beneficial properties for our body, such as rich in vitamin C, potassium, iron and calcium.

In addition, blueberries contain a high concentration of natural pigments, such as anthocyanin and carotenoids.

Blueberries are among the healthiest fruits

That’s why blueberries are wonderful natural antioxidants. They prevent diseases such as cancer, macular degeneration or urinary tract infections.

Blueberries are a rich source of fiber that improves the digestive process, but also the health of teeth, hair and muscles.

2. Oranges

Oranges are among the healthiest fruits. As you know, they are an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps prevent and even treat respiratory diseases such as the flu, colds or colds.

At the same time, oranges also contain a significant amount of potassium and hesperidin, a compound that can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Oranges are some of the healthiest fruits

The orange aroma calms the nerves and relieves anxiety, having a relaxing effect. Another property of oranges is that of antioxidant and purifying, which is why these fruits detoxify the body. When we eat oranges, all the cells in the body are protected.

3. Apples

Apples are also among the healthiest fruits. They are a very effective natural antioxidant agent, especially due to the flavonoids in their composition. Eating apples can prevent cancer and delay premature aging.

At the same time, apples strengthen the immune system.  In addition, dentists recommend eating apples to reduce bacteria in the oral cavity.

The healthiest fruits like green apples

Apple peels contain a large amount of fiber that lowers blood cholesterol levels and, above all, contributes to the proper functioning of the intestines.

Apples also contain a significant amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

4. Kiwi

Although they are not very popular fruits, kiwis have many properties that we do not know. Kiwi is an important source of fiber that helps regulate cholesterol levels and facilitates intestinal transit.

Kiwi among the healthiest fruits

As incredible as it may seem, kiwis contain twice the amount of vitamin C compared to oranges. This vitamin strengthens the immune system, prevents the occurrence of respiratory diseases and contributes to the absorption of iron in the body.

Kiwis are rich in lutein, a natural pigment that acts as a filter against solar radiation. These fruits are rich in folic acid which prevents anemia and cardiovascular problems.

5. Strawberries

Apart from the fact that they are delicious, strawberries are also among the healthiest fruits. They are rich in vitamin C, lecithin and pectin, which reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent various diseases, such as atherosclerosis.

Strawberries can control type II diabetes and heart or inflammatory problems. These fruits contain Omega 9 and minerals such as magnesium and copper.

Smoothie of the healthiest fruits

Strawberries are recommended in case of diarrhea due to their astringent properties.  At the same time, the little red fruits are also used as skin remedies, especially in the case of wounds or pimples.

In conclusion, we must mention that the delicious strawberries are like a natural toothpaste: they keep your mouth clean and prevent the appearance of cavities and bad breath.

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