5 Natural Treatments For Thicker Eyebrows

Amino acids and fatty acids in certain natural ingredients can help you nourish your eyebrows so that they look thicker and bulkier.
5 natural treatments for thicker eyebrows

Nowadays, more and more people want to discover natural treatments for thicker eyebrows. Although some women are lucky and their eyebrows have always been voluminous, others need a helping hand to get the look they want.

The cosmetics industry offers us various products and professional methods that can make us more attractive in a short time. But not everyone allows them or does not want to endure the side effects they can cause.

The good news is that we do not lack natural treatments for thicker eyebrows. Due to their properties, certain ingredients strengthen the eyebrows at the roots and make them look healthier and more voluminous.

So, are you ready to try the following natural treatments for thicker eyebrows?

1. Aloe vera and coconut oil

Natural treatments for thicker eyebrows with aloe vera

Due to the high content of amino acids and essential fatty acids, the following treatment with aloe vera and coconut oil is one of the most effective natural solutions to thicken our eyebrows without resorting to aggressive products. At the same time, this combination has the ability to strengthen fragile hair.


  • 3 tablespoons (45 g) of aloe vera gel
  • 2 tablespoons (20 ml) coconut oil

Method of preparation

  • Pour the aloe vera gel into a glass container and mix it with the coconut oil.
  • Once you have a homogeneous composition, put it in the fridge.

Application method

  • Soak a small brush in the remedy and spread it on the eyebrows from the roots to the tips.
  • After you have completely covered your eyebrows, let the remedy work for 30 minutes, then rinse.
  • Use this treatment at least 3 times a week before bed.

2. Garlic and olive oil

Garlic included in natural treatments for thicker eyebrows

This remedy does not have an enticing odor. Despite this, it is one of the most effective and fast natural treatments for thicker eyebrows. Its benefits are due to the sulfur compounds and healthy fats in its composition, which have the ability to prevent hair loss.


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons (20 ml) olive oil

Method of preparation

  • Grind the garlic in a pestle mortar until you get a paste.
  • Add the olive oil and mix until you get an oily composition.

Application method

  • Spread the garlic paste and olive oil on the eyebrows and leave it to act for 30 minutes.
  • Don’t let the remedy get in your eyes, because you can get irritated.
  • After the indicated time has elapsed, rinse with plenty of water.
  • For the best possible results, use this treatment 2-3 times a week.

3. Coconut milk and vitamin E.

Natural treatments for thicker eyebrows with coconut milk

By adding a little vitamin E to coconut milk, you get an effective treatment to improve the appearance of fragile or sparse eyebrows. These two ingredients provide vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids that can easily penetrate the hair follicles.


  • 3 tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of vitamin E oil

Method of preparation

  • Pour the coconut milk into a clean container and mix it with vitamin E oil.

Application method

  • Spread the remedy obtained on the eyebrows with your fingertips or a small brush.
  • Let it work for 30 minutes, then rinse.
  • Use this remedy every night before bed.

4. Olive oil and castor oil

Woman using natural treatments for thicker eyebrows

By combining healthy oils, such as olive and castor oil, you will get a remedy that can thicken your eyebrows naturally. Because they contain vitamin E, fatty acids and mineral compounds, these two products are ideal for having thicker and more resistant eyebrows.


  • 1 tablespoon (10 ml) olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon (10 ml) castor oil

Method of preparation

  • Pour the oils into a bowl and mix until you get a homogeneous composition.

Application method

  • Soak a brush or cotton swab in the remedy and spread it on the eyebrows.
  • After you have completely covered them, let the remedy work without rinsing.
  • Repeat this treatment every night before bed.

5. Lotion with rosemary oil and argan oil, on the list of natural treatments for thicker eyebrows

Oils included in natural treatments for thicker lashes

Both rosemary and argan oil are famous in the cosmetics industry for their ability to strengthen hair. Although each of these products is beneficial for the eyebrows on their own, combining them you will get a lotion that amplifies their effects.


  • 3 tablespoons (30 ml) rosemary oil
  • 2 tablespoons (20 ml) of argan oil

Method of preparation

  • Pour the rosemary oil into a bottle and combine it with the argan oil.

Application method

  • Soak a small, clean brush in the prepared remedy.
  • Lay it on your eyebrows and let it work without rinsing.
  • Apply this treatment at least three times a week.

Remember, the effects of the 5 natural treatments for thicker eyebrows are not immediate. Although they start to nourish the eyebrows from the first application, the desired results will not begin to appear until after a few weeks of use. Therefore, it is essential to be patient and consistent.

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