5 Natural Remedies For Itching

Itching is an irritating sensation that can be caused by allergies, insect bites and certain diseases. Fortunately, many natural remedies can improve it without affecting your skin. In this article, discover the best natural remedies for relieving itching!
5 natural remedies for itching

If your skin eats, it is important to avoid scratching your nails. Although this action can provide relief at times, it sometimes prolongs the duration of the symptom or damages the skin. What needs to be done to relieve the itching? Use natural remedies for itching!

First of all, you need to find out the possible cause of the itching, preferably by consulting your doctor. The specialist has the necessary knowledge to determine if it is an allergy or if itching is the basic symptom of a certain disease. Afterwards, your doctor will prescribe the best treatment for you.

You can try some natural remedies whose properties regulate the pH of the skin and reduce discomfort. Below, we share 5 effective natural remedies to relieve itching. Do not hesitate to try them whenever you suffer from this annoying symptom!

5 natural remedies for itching

Itching is an irritating and annoying sensation that can be accompanied by dryness, redness and inflammation, among other symptoms.

The most common causes of itching are insect bites and allergies. However, itching can also occur due to food intolerances, fungal infections, kidney disease, contact with chemicals and other factors.

Currently, topical products can help accelerate healing by acting almost immediately. But you can also use some natural and cheap solutions. Do you want to know what they are?

1. Colloidal oatmeal

Oatmeal and milk

How to use

How to use

Green basil
Eugenol, present in basil leaves, was used in ancient medicine due to its calming effects.

How to use

For hundreds of years, apple cider vinegar has been an ally in accelerating the relief of many skin problems. Due to its content of acetic acid and antioxidant compounds, apple cider vinegar regulates the pH level and reduces discomfort, such as that caused by stings and burns.

In fact, it is one of the best solutions when the itching is caused by stings or burns. This is because it reduces inflammation and produces a quick feeling of relief. In addition, it is a natural disinfectant that reduces the risk of possible infections when you damage your skin due to scratching.

How to use

Natural remedies for itching with witch hazel
Witch hazel has a strong calming effect on itchy skin.

How to use

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