5 Exercises To Tone Your Face

Just as we practice various exercises to tone our body, our face also requires a little attention.
5 exercises to tone your face

Just as we practice various exercises to tone our body and be healthy, our face requires little attention. After all, what other part of our body is more vulnerable to the signs of aging?

To take care of your face, you need to follow a healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and water. In addition, it would be ideal to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Try to exercise from time to time, get enough rest and avoid alcohol or various causes of stress.

Nowadays, there is a wide range of anti-wrinkle creams available on the market, many of which are effective but also expensive.

For this reason, in this article we will present you some exercises to tone your face and get rid of wrinkles. It doesn’t cost you anything to implement them and they won’t take up too much time, so why not try them?

5 exercises to tone your face

Exercise to reduce wrinkles

The face, signs of aging

After taking a shower, sit in front of a mirror and try to move all your facial muscles for at least ten minutes. If you can, try this exercise before bed.

Exercise to tone and strengthen your eyelids

Raise your head as high as you can, and then turn it left and right. Do 20 repetitions for each direction, leaving a two-minute break between rounds.

Exercise to keep your cheeks and cheekbones toned

Unsightly wrinkles make the face look ugly

Close your mouth and exhale until your cheeks are swollen. At the same time moving your tongue from left to right. Do three sets of 15-20 repetitions each.

Exercise to keep your lips healthy and beautiful

Open your mouth as much as you can and cover your teeth with your lips. Stay in this position and count to ten, and then, slowly, close your mouth. Relax your muscles and start again, until you have done 5 repetitions.

Exercises to remove the goose foot

The goose's paw hates your face

Using your fingertips, squeeze and squeeze the wrinkles in the area shown in the image above, making up and down movements.

And do not forget…

To tone your face and facial massages are very useful. They act directly on the affected tissues and repair damaged skin.

We advise you to massage your face (preferably with sweet almond oil) in areas that are very often affected by wrinkles, for ten minutes in the morning and afternoon.

Before trying any of the exercises I have presented above, it is very important to apply a face cream to stimulate and prepare your skin. Thus, the exercises that you will implement later will be much more effective.

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