5 Acupressure Points Of The Head And Their Benefits

Although it is not a healing therapy, acupressure can help us feel better and alleviate many types of discomfort naturally.
5 points of acupressure of the head and their benefits

Today we present you 5 acupressure points of the head and their benefits. Acupressure is a technique invented in traditional Chinese medicine. It is based on the stimulation of acupressure points to improve the functioning of certain regions of the body, as well as the general state of health.

You may already be practicing acupressure on a regular basis. But even if you have never tried this therapy, it is never too late to take advantage of its benefits.

Acupressure releases accumulated tension, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and induces relaxation. Therefore, this practice can be very helpful in those moments when we are tense or overwhelmed by stress.

Being an alternative therapy, the purpose of acupressure is not to cure diseases, but to improve general health and provide a more natural treatment than regular medical procedures.

That being said, we advise you to try to stimulate the next 5 points of acupressure of the head. Whenever you experience an intense headache, you feel exhausted after a long day at work or you simply want to improve your blood circulation, try the tricks below with confidence.

1. The “Third Eye” Point

Important acupressure points of the head

This point of acupressure, called the “Third Eye”, can help us treat headaches, including migraines.

  • The “Third Eye” is located between the eyebrows, above the nasal septum.
  • By applying pressure to this point, you will stimulate the blood vessels that ensure blood circulation and oxygenation. This trick can also help you fix skin problems.

To stimulate the point “The Third Eye”, you have 2 options:

  • The first is very simple. All you have to do is apply pressure with your index finger for 60 seconds.
  • The second one will relax you immediately. Without taking your finger off the “Third Eye”, draw circular motions. It’s that simple!

2. The “Bamboo” point

Acupressure points of the head to be stimulated with the fingers

The “Bamboo” point is associated with the nasal passage and can help us relax, relieve stress and, last but not least, clear our nose.

  • To find the “Bamboo” point, you need to place your index fingers on the inner corners of your eyes.
  • The point you are looking for is the bone that surrounds the eyeballs. By stimulating this sensitive region, you will immediately feel better.

To stimulate the “Bamboo” point, all you have to do is apply pressure with your fingertips for a minute. (But avoid applying excessive pressure. Otherwise, you risk experiencing pain or even hallucinations, such as spots or light).

3. The “Gates of Consciousness” item

Release of stress through acupressure points of the head

This point is located at the nape of the neck, right at the base of the skull. The “Gates of Consciousness” point targets 2 essential muscles of the body: the trapezius and the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

  • You can reap many benefits if you apply pressure in this region. It’s worth a try, but we advise you to ask someone else for help.
  • Stimulating the “Gates of Consciousness” point can relieve headaches and stiff neck.
  • At the same time, this trick treats vertigo, dizziness, eye pain and even ringing in the ears.

The person who will apply the pressure must first find the 2 points in the image above, located at the base of the skull.

  • The pressure should be applied for 5 seconds with your fingertips, after which a 3-minute massage should be performed with clenched fists.

When trying to stimulate the “Gates of Consciousness”, it is best to lie down.

4. The “Welcome Scent” item

Acupressure points of the head that have poetic names

This point with the poetic name of “Welcome Scent” is located in two regions located near the nasal passages. The benefits of their stimulation are limited, but interesting: relief of migraines and uncomfortable symptoms of sinusitis.

  • Put your fingertips on the points in the image above and massage for a minute. You will relax immediately!

5. The “Wind Mansion” Point (Gv16 Fengfu), one of the most important acupressure points of the head

Acupressure points of the head at the nape of the neck

The last of these acupressure points of the head that we want to present to you concerns a specific part of the body: the lumbar region.

Gv16 Fengfu is located at the point of connection between the head and the neck. One of its main advantages is that it offers therapeutic benefits for multiple organs.

Here are some reasons to stimulate the “Wind Mansion” point:

  • You will improve the quality of your sleep
  • You will have better digestion
  • You will get rid of headaches, teeth and joints
  • You will improve your blood circulation

To stimulate the “Wind Mansion” point, you need an ice cube. Apply pressure with it for 3 second intervals for one minute. The desired effects will not be long in coming.

Main image source: wikiHow.com

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