4 Simple Tricks For A Clean And Organized House

In the following, we present you some cleaning tricks that will make your life easier and that will help you keep the much desired order in your home.
4 simple tricks for a clean and organized house

There are a lot of simple tricks for a clean and organized house for which you do not have to put much effort. These cleaning methods help you get the order you need in record time.

Although cleaning may seem like a daunting task, you shouldn’t be discouraged. Keeping the house clean is not impossible. In fact, cleaning should be done regularly, at least once a week.

So, keeping the house clean and tidy means more than just making the rooms look disinfected and free of dirt. In fact, the secret is to keep it clean.

This time, we prepared some simple tricks for a clean house. Do not hesitate to implement the following methods that make your work easier and that help you achieve superior results.

4 simple tricks for a clean house

1. Organization first of all

Simple tricks for a clean house and order in the rooms

The main method is to strive to maintain order. It may seem like an impossible task, because the daily hustle and bustle often causes clothes and various objects to gather everywhere in the room.

We get home tired after a day of work and throw things where we can. After that, they stay there for a long time. Clutter is not only unsightly, but it makes some activities difficult. It is not a good habit and there is no practical way to spread things.

Try to organize a place at the entrance where you can keep your keys, bags and wallet. This way, you will be able to avoid scattering them around the house. In addition, you will save time when you hurry in the morning. The order at the entrance to the house will create a good impression about your home.

2. A perfectly clean bathroom

Simple tricks for a clean house and a spotless bathroom

On the list of simple tricks for a clean and tidy house we also find tips regarding the bathroom, a room that requires frequent cleaning. You don’t have to use commercial products to do this. In fact, you can prepare a cleaning solution yourself.

You will need 30 g of baking soda, a quarter cup of ammonia and half a liter of hot water. This mixture can be applied, for example, to the surface of the toilet bowl. After application, clean with a clean toilet brush and rinse.

To remove stains from the shower curtain, you can prepare another mixture just as effectively. You will need half a cup of white vinegar, two cups of water and the juice of two lemons. Apply the mixture on the curtain, rub, then rinse and dry.

As for the faucets, you can prepare a solution with equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water to restore their shine. Apply the solution on the tap and clean with a cloth. For ceramic wall and floor tiles, apply a little vinegar and rub the surface.

3. A tidy kitchen

Simple tricks for a clean house and an organized kitchen

The kitchen is the most difficult room to clean. For this reason, it must be cleaned regularly. We are not only talking about cleaning surfaces, but also about maintaining hygiene when cooking. It is best to get used to tidying up the room whenever we cook or eat.

For example, get used to cleaning the stove after using it. Otherwise, it can take a long time to clean the hardened fat. Try to cover it with aluminum foil before cooking. Finally, remove it and clean the stove with a cloth or kitchen towel.

You can also mix the following ingredients in a spray bottle to remove dirt: half a cup of white vinegar, a tablespoon of salt, an orange peel and water. Apply this solution after using the stove.

If you gather and clean everything immediately after the meal, you will be able to keep it clean. Keeping the kitchen clean with this solution is one of the best simple tricks for a clean and organized home.

4. Free space in the bedroom

Simple tricks for a clean house and an organized bedroom

The bedroom is the most intimate space of the house, it is a place where we want to feel comfortable all the time. The first step is to keep your things organized. For example, to create a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom from the beginning of the day, make it a habit to make the bed after you wake up.

Avoid gathering too many unnecessary items or furniture. The reason is simple: gathering them gives a feeling of crowding. A room that has more free space will look more tidy and pleasant. As for the clothes scattered around the room, use a laundry basket in which to put them in an orderly fashion.

You can also keep your personal belongings in a drawer, where you can organize them. It is recommended to spend some time assembling old clothes and possibly donating them. Thus, you will get free space, for example, for storing shoes or bed linen.

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