4 Important Facts About Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that reduces the quality of life of patients. Read on to find out how you can fight it!
4 important information about fibromyalgia

Want to find out some important information about fibromyalgia? This condition is more common than we suspect. Many affected people do not even know they are sick. Due to the fact that it is difficult to identify, fibromyalgia has been nicknamed “invisible disease”. X-rays and blood tests can’t surprise her.

Patients with fibromyalgia are unable to rest properly. When you sleep, you experience excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), and the symptoms may worsen.

Although they experience many symptoms, patients do not show visible changes. Chronic pain can set in in various regions of the body.

In addition to exhaustion, fibromyalgia can cause a herniated disc, muscle contractions and rheumatic problems that eventually lead to immobility.

Causes of fibromyalgia

Causes of pain on the list of important information about fibromyalgia

According to one hypothesis, fibromyalgia is triggered when the walls of the intestines become inflamed and become hyperpermeable. This condition is common in people whose intestinal walls are thinner than normal, allowing the passage not only of nutrients but also of waste and toxic substances.

Everything that passes through the intestinal walls eventually reaches the liver and kidneys, which triggers an immune response. The immune system labels harmful substances as enemies and begins to attack them. Considering this hypothesis, it is essential to adopt a healthy diet.

Another possible cause of fibromyalgia is neurotransmitter imbalances. These disorders can be the basis of the symptoms characteristic of the disease. For example, generalized pain could be caused by an alteration in the mechanisms of pain modulation. But there is not yet enough scientific evidence to confirm this hypothesis.

Types of fibromyalgia

Important information about fibromyalgia and pain

The category of important information about fibromyalgia also includes the fact that it manifests itself differently in each patient. It can be of several types, so the treatments focus on relieving the symptoms of the patient in question.

Here are the main categories of fibromyalgia:

  • Fibromyalgia type 1: Patients do not have other diseases.
  • Type 2 fibromyalgia: Patients also suffer from rheumatic and / or autoimmune diseases.
  • Type 3 fibromyalgia: Patients have severe psychopathological disorders.
  • Type 4 fibromyalgia : Patients with this type of fibromyalgia are called ‘simulators’.

Night sweats, one of the possible symptoms of fibromyalgia

Improved sleep with some important information about fibromyalgia

As hard as it may seem to believe, night sweats can be combated. How? It is very simple. You just have to adopt a balanced diet and, in particular, be careful what you serve for dinner.

Another option is to take a hot shower before bed. Then apply a thin layer of eucalyptus essential oil to certain regions of your body. This product will help you maintain the feeling of invigoration.

In the following we propose several measures that all patients with fibromyalgia can take to enjoy an optimal quality of life.

Natural treatments available on the list of important information about fibromyalgia

Monitor your diet carefully

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, it is essential to eat only the right foods. Avoid dairy, sugar, gluten, red meat, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and bell peppers. As for fruits, opt for purees so as to protect your intestinal health.

Also, say no to caffeinated beverages, matte infusions and sugar-sweetened beverages. As much as possible, avoid foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, because they make sleep difficult.

Get moving

Important information about fibromyalgia to increase the quality of life

Movement is a wonderful therapeutic solution for those suffering from fibromilgia. Specialists recommend adopting a regular routine of aerobic exercise.

Exercises in the water (such as swimming and other types of water sports) are recommended because they improve agility. And hydrotherapy is an excellent option.

Try physiotherapy

Massage treatments on the list of important information about fibromyalgia

If the pain you experience is very intense, you can call on the services of a physiotherapist to establish a recovery plan that is right for you. It’s worth a try! There is no shortage of options.

Professional physiotherapists know all kinds of important information about fibromyalgia. They will know what type of treatment suits you depending on the pain experienced. Follow the instructions from the doctor, eat healthy and exercise. This will make it much easier for you to cope with the illness you are suffering from.

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