4 Feng Shui Home Tips

Feng shui consists in creating a harmonic space in which chi energy can flow positively. For this purpose, small changes in the decor or orientation of the furniture can positively influence your well-being.
4 Feng Shui Tips for the Home

Feng shui is more than making changes to improve the decor of the house or to create an oriental look. On the contrary, it is an art created in order to achieve balance and harmony in different areas of the house. Do you know how to implement feng shui tips for home?

In this article, we will share with you some of the best Feng shui tips for your living room, kitchen and bedroom. Don’t miss them!

An ancient art: Feng shui for the home

Woman collecting stones from the beach
Feng shui is an ancient art that seeks harmony and balance in everything around us.

Feng shui means “wind and water”. It is an ancient Chinese art based on the theory that people must occupy spaces consciously and harmoniously. In this way, the harmony of spaces can be transmitted to people, improving their mood.

According to this theory, there is an energy called “chi”. Objects and placement can alter chi energy. The goal is to order different spaces so that chi can flow properly, impregnating the environment and those who live in it positively.

Therefore, feng shui has many elements and concepts. Among them, we must emphasize yin and yang, the concept of dualism and balance. In fact, these are two concepts that are not opposite, but complementary. For example, north and south, winter and summer, men and women, etc. You are certainly familiar with the image of a two-part circle in perfect harmony. In fact, yin and yang are the two poles of chi energy.

4 Feng Shui Tips for the Home

2. The importance of the entrance hall

Feng shui tips for a harmonious home
The entrance hall is an access point for positive or negative energies.

The entrance to the house is the entrance to the chi. Because it is the entry point for everything that is negative and positive, you need to pay special attention to it. To do this, you need to place welcoming items in the entrance hall. Therefore, it is a good idea to place plants and flowers or family photos. In addition, you should use warm and pleasant colors that give the space light and balance.

You need to light the entrance hall correctly. Chi does not flow properly in dark and gloomy places.

4. The bed in the bedroom

Impeccably arranged bedroom
Feng shui in the bedroom will allow you to rest better, because everything will be in harmony.

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