4 Diets That Work Scientifically Proven

There are so many fad diets that are gradually losing popularity. But not all of them are healthy. So what are science-supported diets? What does the evidence have to say? Today, we will reveal 4 options.
4 diets that work scientifically proven

Nowadays, we have access to an endless list of food options. Most of them either exclude or worship certain types of food. But are the claims about their benefits true? And what does the evidence really have to say? Are there diets that work scientifically proven?

A large part of the population followed a certain type of diet at one time, especially to lose weight. Often, we adopt a certain diet without first consulting a nutrition expert.

However, there are certain nutritional patterns that, given their composition, seem to have general benefits. What are these and why do specialists recommend them? In the article below, we will answer this question.

4 diets that work scientifically proven

Mediterranean diet

  • Prioritize the intake of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and nuts.
  • Recommends daily consumption of fermented dairy products, such as yogurts and cheeses.
  • Recommends a high intake of water and natural drinks, such as teas.
  • Suggests a moderate consumption of red meat, fish and eggs. At the same time, it warns about the consumption of processed meat.
  • Limit or avoid processed foods.
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Cancer and others
Foods included in working diets
There is ample evidence that the Mediterranean diet helps prevent diseases associated with inflammation.

Fresh fish included in the Atlantic diet
The Atlantic diet shares some features with the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, it is also associated with the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

It is often used to accompany the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies, such as intestinal inflammation. It is especially recommended during periods when the symptoms of these pathologies are present.

The foods you should avoid until your symptoms improve are as follows:

  • Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and soybeans
  • Whole dairy products
  • Soy drinks, industrial juices, rum and white wine
  • Canned fruits, plums, pears, watermelon and others

  • Sugar in limited quantities, sweeteners not ending in “-ol”
  • Tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, beets and other vegetables
  • Lactose-free milk, goat cheese
Healthy diets
The low-FODMAP diet is useful in treating intestinal pathologies. Excluding certain foods from the diet helps to relieve symptoms.

Diets that work scientifically proven: what do you need to remember?

All of the above diets offer sustained benefits from science. Your diet should always be nutritionally balanced to avoid problems associated with possible deficiencies or excesses. Therefore, you should always talk to a nutritionist to find out which diet plan is best for you.

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