3 Breakfast Options In A Balanced Diet

If you add these breakfast suggestions to a balanced diet, you not only prevent weight gain, but also nourish your body with the nutrients needed to start the day strong. 
3 options for breakfast in a balanced diet

If you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle, you should never skip breakfast. As we well know, this meal is very important for the proper functioning of the body. Here are some of the options for breakfast in a balanced diet!

Breakfast provides nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial to the body, so we need to give it due importance. Fortunately, the first meal of the day is very versatile, so the menu can be as diverse as possible.

Whether we follow a certain diet or simply prefer the taste of certain foods, we all have personal preferences when it comes to breakfast.

The importance of breakfast in a balanced diet

According to nutritionist Elisabetta Politi, a graduate of Duke University, by serving a healthy breakfast at the beginning of the day, we set our metabolism in motion. 

When considering possible breakfast options in a balanced diet, we need to identify foods rich in nutrients and vitamins.  In this way, it will be easier to choose the ones that delight our taste buds, but also nourish our body.

Necessary items for the breakfast menu

The best food for a healthy breakfast

For breakfast to be considered a healthy meal, it must include certain elements. Among the most important are:

1. Cereals

In order to provide the body with the necessary dose of carbohydrates, nutrients and fiber at the beginning of the day, it is advisable to eat at least a portion of cereal for breakfast. 

Of course, we do not refer to processed varieties, which contain large amounts of sugar, but to natural ones, such as oats, wheat or rye.

2. Dairy products

Dairy products are among the best options for breakfast

For decades, nutritionists have emphasized the importance of consuming animal milk. The most recommended dairy products are cow’s milk, cheese and yogurt.

3. Fruits

A portion of fresh fruit for breakfast gives the body a dose of energy and vitality, necessary in the first hours of the day.

If you choose to eat the fruits as such, in their natural state, and not in smoothies or juices, you can enjoy their delicious taste without loading them with sugar or processed elements.

4. Oilseeds

Breakfast options such as oilseeds

To complete a healthy and balanced breakfast, it is recommended to include in the menu a small portion of oily fruits. They are rich in healthy fats and regulate cholesterol levels in the body.

Ideal breakfast options in a balanced diet

Although each of us is guided by our own nutritional needs and material possibilities in choosing the breakfast menu and more, it is good to know that we can maintain a balanced diet with few ingredients. 

Here are some of the tastiest and most convenient breakfast options:


Breakfast options such as fruit oatmeal

Oatmeal is among the best options for breakfast. The combination of oats and fruits gives the body energy and vitality.

Oats help regenerate cells and contain many nutrients.


  • 1 cup almond milk (250 ml)
  • 2 cups oatmeal (210 g)
  • ½ tablespoon ground flax seeds (7.5 g)
  • Cinnamon (to taste)
  • ¼ cup of red fruit (37.5 g)

Method of preparation

  • In a saucepan, over medium heat, boil the oats in the almond milk.
  • When ready, add the flax seeds and cinnamon. Before serving the preparation, add the portion of fruit.

Greek yogurt

Due to the rich content of protein and probiotics in its composition, Greek yogurt is one of the most recommended foods in a balanced diet. Its taste is very versatile, being adored by children and adults alike.

  • If you want to enrich its taste, you can serve it with a small portion of fresh or oily fruits.
  • These foods are rich in nutrients and keep the body healthy.

Toast with avocado, tomatoes and cheese

Avocado toast for breakfast


  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar (30 ml)
  • 1 large red (or 2 small)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (16 g)
  • Sea salt and black pepper (to taste)
  • 1 cup low-fat cheese (200 g)
  • 1 avocado

Method of preparation

  • In the oven preheated to 200 ° C (400 ° F), bake the bread until golden on both sides and set aside.
  • Cut the tomatoes in four and put them in a glass bowl, adding olive oil, balsamic vinegar, black pepper, oregano and sea salt.
  • After you have obtained a homogeneous mixture, put it in a baking tray and leave it in the oven for 15 minutes, until it gets a brown shade.

Arrangement on the plate

  • Grease the slices of toast with plenty of cheese.
  • Once the tomatoes are ready, set them aside to cool until they reach room temperature, and then arrange the food on the plate.
  • First put the slices of bread greased with cheese, then the tomatoes, and on top pieces of avocado.
  • Before serving, season with salt and pepper.

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