11 Tricks To Sleep Well And Wake Up Rested

Going outside to breathe some fresh air and have a hot drink before bed are great tricks to enjoy a good and restful sleep. 
11 tricks to sleep well and wake up rested

A good sleep not only provides you with the rest you need, but also helps you stay active the next day. Discover some tricks to sleep well and wake up full of energy and good mood.

1. Practice tricks to sleep well

The body of each of us regulates the amount of sleep it needs. But, in general, an adult should sleep 7-9 hours a night.

If you haven’t slept well lately, you’ve probably started to feel the effects of lack of sleep. You have a low performance at work and you feel more tired during the day.

2. Coffee is not a solution

Tricks to sleep well and prevent fatigue by drinking coffee

When you don’t sleep well, you sometimes feel the need to use coffee to recharge your batteries. But you need to be very careful. A cup of coffee is not the best solution.

Caffeine prevents the absorption of adenosine. Thus, you become agitated and struggle even harder to fall asleep.

3. Breathe clean air

Going out a little before bed to breathe fresh air is one of the best tricks to sleep well. Even a walk of 30 minutes or an hour is enough to notice the difference.

4. Serve a hot drink

Tricks to sleep well such as serving hot tea

After a short walk, serve a hot drink (suitable for bedtime). Our recommendation is a herbal tea with milk or honey.

5. Use pillows

Strange as it may seem, pillows can have a positive effect on sleep quality.

  • If you sleep face up, put a pillow under your knees and another under your waist. 
  • If you sleep on your side, it is best to place a pillow between your legs.
  • If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, put a pillow under your lower abdomen. Using the pillow, you can adjust a suitable position that requires less spine.

6. Don’t sleep with pets

Tricks to sleep well with pets

Sleeping with your puppy or cat, for example, may make you feel better, but statistics show that 65% of people who sleep in the same room with their pet have a restless sleep.

7. Put garlic under the pillow

Even if it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with sleep, actually putting garlic under the pillow is among the best tricks to sleep well. This practice dates back to antiquity.

What is the explanation? Garlic sulfur has a sedative effect that improves sleep quality. 

8. Switch off the mobile phone

Tricks to sleep well like turning off the phone

Your mobile phone prevents you from falling asleep or enjoying quality sleep. The light emitted by this device may be more disturbing than you think.

Sleep is influenced by the production of melatonin, a hormone secreted in the absence of light. If you look at your phone, you stop producing this hormone and you can’t sleep well.

It would be best not to keep the phone in the bedroom. The brain perceives its presence in the room.

9. Keep lavender close

Lavender has calming properties, something that has been confirmed throughout history. Therefore, hold a lavender thread at the end of the bed or use candles or lavender-scented oils. This way, you will be able to fight insomnia.

10. Adjust the room temperature

Adjusting the room temperature on the list of tricks to sleep well

The temperature in the bedroom is essential to enjoy a restful sleep, so you need to keep this in mind. The room temperature should be between 16 and 20 ° C. 

The unbearable heat prevents you from sleeping well and causes you to wake up in the middle of the night.

11. Make sure you get the recommended daily dose of magnesium

The body needs a daily dose of magnesium to rest at night. Therefore, add foods containing this mineral to your diet or take a magnesium supplement 30 minutes before bedtime.

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