10 Vegetables And Fruits To Treat Water Retention

To treat water retention, it is important to eat water-rich fruits that stimulate urine production and eliminate waste.
10 vegetables and fruits to treat water retention

What are the best vegetables and fruits to treat water retention? If you suffer from this problem, it is important to take care of what you eat so that you can fix it.

Some vegetables and fruits have a high water content and stimulate the elimination of excess fluid accumulated in the urine. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this topic!

How do diuretic foods work?

Products that stimulate urine production and, as a consequence, help the body eliminate some of the accumulated water are called diuretics. They are recommended for people suffering from water retention or edema.

The good news is that in addition to helping us get rid of excess fluids, diuretic foods support kidney function. The role of the kidneys is to filter the blood and eliminate toxins.

Excessive accumulation of fluids in the body is not beneficial, because it increases blood pressure and affects heart health. Not to mention medicines, to take advantage of various vegetables and fruits to treat water retention.

The best vegetables and fruits to treat water retention

The best diuretic product available is, without a doubt, water. You have certainly been told many times that you need to drink at least 2 liters of water every day.

In addition to adopting this habit, you have a way to satisfy your fluid needs and feed yourself simultaneously. How? Consuming natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.

If water retention is causing you problems, feel free to include the following foods in your daily diet:

1. The pineapple

Fruit juices to treat water retention

This delicious yellow fruit contains many nutrients that, in addition to stimulating the elimination of fluids, strengthen the liver, heart and lungs.

  • Pineapple supplies the body with vitamins (A, B6, B9, C and K) and minerals (sodium, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium).
  • But pineapple is not just a diuretic food. They also have laxative properties, being useful if you suffer from constipation. So, pineapple is without a doubt one of the most potent detoxifying foods available.

Do not hesitate to eat a slice of pineapple a day for breakfast, as a snack or as a dessert.

2. Red

  • This food, which we frequently include in our favorite dishes, stimulates the elimination of excess fluids and provides a significant amount of potassium. Thus, tomatoes can counteract the action of sodium, one of the main causes of edema.
  • Tomato is rich in vitamin C and can increase diuresis (urine production) in the kidneys. In addition, it has a low caloric content.

To get the most out of tomatoes, eat them raw.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon on the fruit list to treat water retention
  • Watermelon contains a lot of water.
  • This fruit is low in calories, which is why it can be included in weight loss diets. It has a detoxifying action and stimulates the elimination of fluids.
  • Watermelon is rich in vitamin A and potassium.

Few snacks are more invigorating on a summer afternoon than a slice of watermelon.

4. Spinach

Spinach is not only useful for becoming as strong as Popeye the Sailor. This green leafy vegetable has a significant content of magnesium and vitamin B. In addition, it has very interesting diuretic properties.

At the same time, spinach supplies the human body with fiber, stimulating the intestinal tract and eliminating constipation. Serve raw spinach to take full advantage of its benefits.

5. Watermelon

Fruits to treat water retention like melon

Watermelon is another fruit made up mostly of water. Do not hesitate to consume it if you suffer from fluid retention.

  • It stimulates the production and elimination of urine, cleansing the body of waste and toxins.
  • Watermelon contains almost no calories, but it is very filling.
  • Another benefit of this fruit is that it provides potassium and keeps fluid levels in the body under control.

6. Artichokes

And artichokes fall into the category of vegetables with depurative and diuretic properties that are worth trying. You can consume it in hundreds of ways. Its main advantage is that it supplies the body with the potassium needed to eliminate excess fluids.

7. Apples

Apples on the fruit list to treat water retention

It is enough to bite into a delicious red or green apple to convince yourself that this fruit is rich in water. This is why apples are so invigorating in summer.

Apple has incredible cleansing properties. It contains fiber, which has a beneficial impact on the intestinal tract, as well as nutrients needed to be able to eliminate fluids in the urine.

8. Lawyer

Rich in high-quality essential fatty acids, avocado fruit can replace mayonnaise and other similar foods. It also provides vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. We advise you to eat avocados if water retention causes you problems.

9. Grapefruit

Grapefruit on the fruit list to treat water retention

All citrus fruits have a significant water content and can help patients with edema. Moreover, they provide vitamin C (often vitamin C deficiency is the basis of water retention).

In addition to grapefruit, we advise you to eat oranges and tangerines at any time of the day. To replenish your body with nutrients, serve these fruits to treat water retention at breakfast.

10. Pearls

Pear is a fruit with many beneficial properties (including anti-inflammatory, astringent, digestive and diuretic).

  • Pears can purify the blood and provide soluble fiber that regulates bowel function and lowers cholesterol.
  • At the same time, pears are made of plenty of water and contain vitamin C.

Other vegetables and fruits to treat water retention that we advise you to try are papaya, asparagus, bananas, parsley, black grapes and celery.

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