10 Symptoms Of Leukemia That Should Not Be Ignored

Although some of these symptoms may be caused by less severe conditions, if you are worried, it is advisable to go to a specialist for a medical consultation and, if necessary, to receive an early diagnosis. 
10 symptoms of leukemia that should not be ignored

Do you know the main symptoms of leukemia? This term refers to the type of cancer that affects the tissues that make up the blood in the body. Leukocytes (white blood cells) are directly affected, as the disease is characterized by abnormal values ​​of these cells.

Leukocytes are an important part of the immune system. They are developed and distributed according to the needs of the body.

In patients with leukemia, the bone marrow produces white blood cells irregularly. In addition, their functioning is defective, which is why they are no longer effective in defending the body.

As the cancer progresses, complications occur in the production of other blood cells, such as erythrocytes (red blood cells) or platelets. At this stage, anemia and bleeding worsen and the risk of contracting other types of infections increases.

The most worrying thing is that many people do not know or confuse the manifestations caused by this type of cancer with other diseases, which prevents the early diagnosis of the disease. That is why, in the following lines, we present you 10 symptoms of leukemia that should not be ignored.

1. Symptoms of leukemia: red or purple spots on the skin

Red or purple spots on the skin as symptoms of leukemia

Known medically as petechiae, these red or purple spots appear in groups on the chest, back, or arms. Petechiae result from blood clotting and difficulty in circulation. Many people confuse them with ordinary eruptions.

2. Bone or joint pain

There are many diseases that can cause bone or joint pain. In the case of leukemia, this symptom is caused by the accumulation of defective leukocytes.

Patients feel acute or dull pain of varying intensity, depending on the affected area.

3. Headache

Headaches on the list of symptoms of leukemia

Headache is one of the most overlooked symptoms of leukemia. It is especially present in cases of acute leukemia, being severe and long-lasting.

Headaches occur due to restrictions on blood flow to the brain and spine. It is a manifestation similar to the contractions of blood vessels specific to migraines.

4. Inflamed glands

When leukemia compromises the production of leukocytes and erythrocytes, the body’s ability to fight infections decreases. This situation leads to changes in inflammatory processes in the body.

As a result, the patient faces inflamed lymph glands or lymph nodes or small, painful, blue or purple nodules.

5. Fatigue and weakness

Fatigue and weakness as symptoms of leukemia

Cancer is not the first thing that comes to mind when you feel tired or weak. But these can unfortunately be symptoms of leukemia.

Decreased production of healthy erythrocytes affects the body’s ability to transport oxygen and nutrients to cells, which causes anemia and chronic fatigue.

6. Unusual bleeding

Any unusual or unexplained bleeding can be a clear symptom of leukemia. Low platelet production affects the ability of the blood to clot, which increases the risk of bleeding.

7. Fever and frequent infections

Fever and frequent infections as symptoms of leukemia

Leukemia weakens the immune system, so the body can no longer fight as well against pathogens that cause infections. Patients with leukemia experience frequent episodes of fever and respiratory infections, such as the flu. 

The reason is simple. Cancer blood cells prevent healthy leukocytes from fighting viruses and bacteria.

8. Unjustified weight loss

As with other cancers, people with leukemia can lose weight at an alarming rate, unjustifiably. 

Weight loss can also be a result of increased fatigue and decreased appetite, two other symptoms of leukemia.

9. Breathing difficulties

 Symptoms of leukemia such as difficulty breathing

Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing occur due to poor oxygenation of the cells, caused by circulatory problems. Some people suddenly catch their breath, while others feel that they cannot breathe at full capacity.

10. Abdominal pain or inflammation of the abdomen

When it spreads in the body, leukemia can lead to inflammation of the liver or spleen, causing recurrent abdominal pain or a feeling of overflow in the subcostal region.

Some patients report mild pain in the lower back or nausea, vomiting and changes in intestinal transit.

The treatment of leukemia has made significant progress in recent years. Much of its success depends on early detection of cancer. For this reason, you need to take into account the 10 symptoms of leukemia listed above, even if sometimes they are caused by less serious diseases.

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